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How to Baby Proof a Fireplace

fireplace safety, farmington ctWhen a new baby arrives, things start to change.  New parents begin to experience no sleep, poopy diapers, bottles, formula, along with a new sense of safety concerns. Safety issues come from every corner of the house.  Electrical outlets need to be covered, cabinets safety proofed, and sharp objects need to be out of reach. Does anyone think about the fireplace?  That thought ordinarily doesn’t come until after the baby becomes mobile.  It is possible to have a fireplace, stove, or fireplace insert with children, it is best, however, to make adjustments before your youngster crawls.

The Fireplace Hearth & Surrounding Area

The best place to start baby-proofing your fireplace is the outside.  If the fireplace has a hearth, chances are, it is made of concrete, stone, or marble and has sharp edges.  That alone sounds like a trip to the emergency room.

If there is a handy person in your family, talk to them about what you need.  Blocks of foam rubber can be fashioned into a fireplace guard.  If that is not an option, go to your local fireplace dealer and chat with them.  They may have what you are looking for or know of someone who does.

Putting up a fence or gate is also an option to protect little ones. It is crucial to secure any barrier, so little hands and feet don’t push them over, causing an accident

Does the fireplace have glass doors?  Would those glass doors break if the baby pushes or hits the doors?  If you can get a substantial guard around the hearth, you can also keep your youngster away from the glass.

Fireplace Accessories

Fireplace tools are just as dangerous as a flame.  Unfortunately, these instruments are either swinging from hooks or are leaning against each other.  As you can imagine, swinging or leaning sharp metal or iron tools can fall on little ones.  Keep them out of harm’s way.

Invest In a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Installing a carbon monoxide detector is as important as a smoke detector.  Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, odorless, invisible gas that can kill.  The American Medical Association estimates 50,000 people spend some time in the emergency room due to CO poisoning.  Unfortunately, nearly five hundred of them die yearly.

Installing both a smoke detector and CO detector may seem excessive, but these two little tools save lives.

chimney inspection in bristol ctFireplace Inspection & Cleaning

Having mentioned the outside of the fireplace, let’s talk about the inside.  Have your fireplace and chimney inspected by a qualified chimney sweep.  Regardless of who the homeowner hires, it is best if they are qualified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America.  They only certify the best.  When interviewing them, ask them directly about certification.

When they arrive, let them know your concerns about the chimney and your children.  The chimney sweep will clean and inspect all aspects of your chimney inside and out.  Cleaning can prevent fires, smoke damage, and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Be Prepared, Be Proactive

Making the above changes is proactive; however, being there and being aware is the best preventive measure.  Any parent knows if a child has free reign of a house, they will take advantage of it.  Keep an eye on little ones.

Call Northeastern Chimney, LLC

Northeastern Chimney, LLC has been taking care of central Connecticut resident’s chimneys for nearly 40 years. The employees are continually trained in new technics and new tools in the cleaning and servicing of chimneys. Call Northeastern Chimney, LLC for all of your fireplace and chimney needs.

Northeastern Chimney, LLC
37 Cody Street, West Hartford, Connecticut 06110
Phone: 860-233-5770

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