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Chimney Waterproofing

Our qualified chimney experts serve West Hartford, Colchester, Tolland, East Hampton, Chesire, Southington, Glastonbury, South Glastonbury and the surrounding areas, providing chimney waterproofing, chimney water repellent coatings, and chimney rain protection.

Chimney Water Repellent in Windsor, CTMasonry chimneys are constructed with materials like brick, concrete, stone, mortar, steel, metal, or a combination of any of the above. All of these materials are adversely affected by water and moisture. Over the course of the year, chimneys are subject to a number of harsh weather conditions. The constant wear and tear can take its toll on your chimney and venting system, causing cracks which will then allow moisture to seep into your now-vulnerable flue. When moisture enters a chimney, it can cause deterioration, corrosion, efflorescence, spalling, and ultimately result in structural failure if these issues are not addressed.

Protective coatings can reduce the amount of water that is allowed to enter your chimney. Bricks are porous and once they are worn they will allow water to penetrate deep into and even through the chimney. You can reduce this problem by having Northeastern Chimney, Inc. apply Water Repellent Coating to the exterior of your chimney. The longevity and function of your chimney can be improved simply by adding this layer of protection.

If you want to avoid long-term damage to your chimney, our chimney sweep technicians will address any issues with deteriorating masonry, then apply a coat of water repellant which will immediately begin to work against future moisture damage. We advise that any middle aged chimneys (15 or more years old) should be treated in order to prolong useful life. The cost of treatment is far less that treating the problems that can arise if water gets where it doesn’t belong.

Chimney Waterproofing Hartford CTChimney Water Damage Can Take Many Names – Here are just a few!


The white stains on the outside of a masonry chimney indicate that water has penetrated the brick and salts are pouring out of the chimney.


When saturated bricks enter a freezing and thawing cycle, the face of the bricks will begin to separate from the wall and fall of the chimney. This is a very serious problem and should be addressed as soon as you notice any problems.


Severe erosion can be caused by moisture and regular exposure to harsh conditions. Bricks can actually start to disintegrate and fall apart if they are not repairs or replaced as soon as you notice degradation beginning.

Adding water repellant to your chimney is just a preventive measure. If damage has already occurred to your chimney masonry and you notice cracks & missing mortar in your bricks or stone, repairs will need to be done before waterproofing sealant can be applied.

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