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Things to Do With Your Chimney Before the Winter Weather Hits

Winter is on our doorstep here in Central Connecticut. As the summer heat gave way to crisp breezes and falling leaves, there are some home upkeep tasks to keep in mind. These range from winterizing your camper to cleaning out your gutters. And of course, your fireplace system will have several pre-season maintenance tasks before we’re all drinking pumpkin spice lattes in front of a cozy, warm fire. So today, let’s take a look at the four things to do with your chimney before the start of winter.

Chimney Inspection by qualified Chimney Sweep off Rt 44 - Main St Hartford CTSchedule an inspection

Most importantly, you should schedule a chimney inspection. A licensed technician will inspect the internal and external components of your system looking for signs of damage, leaks, and creosote build-up. Failing to take this step before using your fireplace for the first time in a season can lead to costly repairs and even cause a house fire. Why?

Because blockages such as leaves and other debris, as well as the aforementioned creosote, could catch fire, follow the updraft out of your flue, and cause a house fire on your roof. An inspection will identify any issues and help you make informed decisions on how to fix those problems before you use your fireplace this fall.

Perform any necessary waterproofing

If an inspection uncovers any leaks or water damage, taking care of it proactively will be essential to extending the life of your chimney. Your technician can repair damaged brick and mortar with a process called tuckpointing, which allows them to remove the affected pieces and replace them with new, color-matched masonry. After that, they can professionally apply a waterproof sealant to the chimney to protect it even further.

Chimney tuckpointing repair,Avon CTRepairing the damaged and replacing missing parts

Repairing damage when it is found is vital. The longer damage is left untreated, the more repairs will cost. Not only that, the damage will have likely spread beyond the initial spot and will result in a longer repair time as well as the added cost. During the inspection, your technician will look for missing pieces in addition to damaged areas. If parts are missing, replacing them will be essential to ensuring the efficient operation of your fireplace and chimney this fall and winter. A missing cap can allow debris and critters looking for a safe, warm bed to take up residence in your chimney causing an obvious safety issue when it’s time to use your fireplace.

Updating your firebox

An outdated or damaged firebox can cause issues when you try to burn a fire. Fall is the perfect time to repair and or replace this component of your fireplace as it’s likely not in use.

Don’t wait till it’s cold to schedule your inspection

If you wait too long to schedule an appointment, you could find yourself on a waiting list, leaving you unable to safely use your chimney when the temperatures drop. Contact Northeastern Chimney to schedule an appointment by calling our team at 860-233-5770 or by filling out our contact form on our website.

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