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Can My Chimney Be Cleaned If It Has A Bend?

The chimney is an important part of your fireplace. With each fire, creosote, soot, and debris become lodged or build up in the chimney’s lining. If not cleaned out over time this can cause a chimney fire or send hazardous fumes into your home. As the fireplace burning season is coming to an end, it is important to clean out your chimney. Northeast Chimney is here for all your chimney concerns.

professional chimney sweeps in avon CTA straight chimney is quite common. It is a job that every chimney sweep is familiar with. But what if a chimney has a curve? Am I out of luck? Can I get someone to clean my chimney?

No, you are not out of luck and yes, a chimney sweep can clean out a curved chimney. Special tools are used when a chimney has a curve or a bend.

Tools That Are Needed

Chimney Brush

A brush that has a flexible pole to be able to go around the bends and curves of the fireplace.

Extension rods

A chimney extension rod is attached to the chimney brush. This enables the chimney sweep to reach high up into the chimney through the bends.

Drop cloths

Drop cloths and/or plastic sheets will protect the area around the fireplace. Keeping everything clean and dust-free.

Annual Inspection

Before you determine that your chimney needs cleaning, get an inspection. An annual inspection will help to determine if there is any damage. If identified early, this can be taken care of while a chimney sweep is working on your chimney.

Safety at All Costs 

At Northeast Chimney, we will take all the safety precautions necessary.

Once the chimney is cleaned, another inspection is conducted. This assures the homeowner that everything that needed to be done was.

What To Do Before Your Cleaning

  • Clear a pathway to the fireplace.
  • Make room in the driveway for the truck to park.
  • Take down decorations from the mantel.
  • Move furniture away from the fireplace.
  • Cover any furniture.

chimney sweeps and inspections in Canton CT

When planning on cleaning a chimney whether it has a bend or not, it is important to contact a professional. Appropriate tools as well as safety precautions must be used. This is a job for professionals. We at Northeast Chimney have all the tools necessary to get the job done. Remember that a well-maintained chimney will allow for proper ventilation. It will prevent hazardous fumes and chimney fires. Fires run with proper cleaning also improve energy efficiency.

Schedule your inspection or cleaning soon by calling Northeast Chimney at 860-233-5770. We can clean your chimney no matter what bend or curve you have. We come with all the equipment needed for all sorts of chimneys.

We service all of Hartford, Tolland, and Litchfield Counties. All our chimney technicians are qualified. We are active in the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG)

In addition, Northeastern Chimney, Inc. maintains a rigorous training schedule and a strict code of performance and ethics.

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