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Why Fireplace Cleaning Should be the Easiest Spring Cleaning Chore

Ashes in bucket after fireplace useAfter the confinement of winter, a good spring cleaning is perfect to make your home feel clean and fresh. If you’ve made good use of your wood-burning fireplace, your chimney is the dirtiest place in the house. Your home may not feel or smell clean without a good chimney cleaning. Tackling dirty blinds should be your toughest chore, however, because a professional chimney sweep should handle chimney cleaning for you. See a helpful spring cleaning chore list below plus the reasons it’s important to schedule an expert for chimney cleaning.

Spring Cleaning Chore List

  • Thoroughly dust your home, including shelves, decorative displays, books, ceiling fans, window casings
  • Wipe down walls and ceilings, using a gentle degreaser, as needed
  • Reseal grout lines, such as those between tiles
  • Vacuum and shampoo carpets and rugs
  • Clean upholstery by vacuuming with upholstery and crevice tools
  • Wax wood furniture
  • Polish metal window and door hardware
  • Clean draperies and curtains
  • Wash window screens
  • Wax non-wood floors
  • Contact Northeastern Chimney for expert chimney cleaning

Reasons to Schedule Professional Chimney Cleaning

Spring cleaning involves a lot of hard work, but you should take a break when it comes to cleaning the chimney. Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning is the grimiest household chore, but avoiding a messy task is not the best reason to leave the job to chimney sweeps. Check out the following top five reasons to hire a professional for chimney cleaning.

1-Potential Risk of Injury

A proper chimney cleaning makes it necessary to get on the roof. Falls from ladders are common, with more than half a million occurring annually. When you allow a qualified chimney sweep to clean your chimney for you, you avoid the risk of falling from your ladder or roof.

2-Chemical Exposure

Creosote BuildupCreosote and soot are the substances being removed from a chimney lining during a chimney cleaning. The substances are toxic, though minimal exposure typically has little to no health effects. In the event you have sensitivity to lung or eye irritants, you can avoid possible problems by leaving the job to experts.

3-Protect Your Home from Toxins

Cleaning a chimney flue creates the release of a lot of toxins, and tiny particles could enter the air in your home if you do it yourself. Experts have all the equipment and skills needed to prevent any harmful toxins from moving from the chimney into your home. Professional chimney sweeps use a HEPA soot vacuum designed specifically for chimney cleaning as one of the steps in the process. You can be confident that your furniture, carpeting, and indoor air are as clean when chimney sweeps leave as when they arrive for chimney cleaning.

4-Save Time

Performing a chimney cleaning takes time to do properly, especially when you don’t have the benefit of state-of-the-art professional equipment. You will save a lot of time by leaving the messy spring cleaning task to pros.

5-Peace of Mind

A clean chimney means your home is better protected against the possibility of a dangerous chimney fire when your fireplace is used again. In the meantime, your clean chimney won’t create bad smells creosote can cause during warmer months.

Contact Northeastern Chimney

The only company in West Hartford, Connecticut, that has chimney sweeps qualified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America () is Northeastern Chimney. For reliable chimney cleaning, an excellent spring cleaning solution, contact Northeastern Chimney at 860-233-5770 today.

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