The Risks of Creosote
Families who own fireplaces appreciate the enjoyment that comes with ownership. They enjoy their cozy winter nights when the snow is coming down. The sounds are comforting. The crackle, and snap that soothe the soul. A fireplace has been a focal point in homes for years. It has brought families together during the holidays and for celebrations. Year after year traditions are carried out around a fireplace.
When owning a fireplace you must also be aware of the maintenance that is needed. You must understand what is involved to keep you and your family safe. One concern is the collection of creosote in your chimney. The risk of fire is a concern that cannot be taken lightly.
What Is Creosote?
It is important to be aware of the risks associated with owning a fireplace. Creosote is a tar-like byproduct from wood being burned. It is produced when the fumes are created from wood being burned. Its sticky consistency accumulates on the surface of your chimney as smoke escapes the chimney. The accumulation of creosote can cause a fire in the chimney.
Degrees of Creosote
There are three types of creosote. Depending on the level of collection in your fireplace will determine the cleaning of it. Let’s discuss the three types so you are aware.
Type I
The easiest type of creosote to remove. This type is a flaky, loose substance that can easily be brushed off by a professional chimney sweep.
Type II
As creosote continues to collect it becomes more of a tar-like sticky substance. Still flaky, but harder to remove. Professional brushes and scrapers are needed.
Type III
Creosote becomes hardened. At this point, special professional equipment is used to clean this buildup of creosote. On inspection, you may see a chimney that is completely lined with this black tarry substance. In this case, a professional company like Northeast Chimney is needed.
The risks are more prevalent as the creosote collects. Hot embers travel up the chimney and can catch fire. Creosote is highly flammable and can ignite and cause a fire. Not only is creosote flammable, but it is also toxic. There are a wide range of health concerns from the toxins from creosote. These may include eye and skin irritation, respiratory issues, and cancer among a few.
Are There Any Benefits In The Production Of Creosote?
Yes, there is. The byproduct of this tar-like substance is used to protect wood from decay and infestation. You may find that railroad ties are covered with creosote.
Your best defense against the risks from creosote is to book a chimney sweep and inspection from Northeast Chimney. Our technicians will clean out the creosote and allow you the peace of mind that you deserve with owning a fireplace. So you can enjoy your fireplace without concern.
Schedule your inspection or cleaning soon by calling Northeast Chimney. We service all of Hartford, Tolland, and Litchfield Counties. All our chimney technicians are trained and qualified. We are active in the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG).